Sunday, January 5, 2014

Star Struck Joseph

Matthew 1:18-25

When Joseph became star struck with the news of Jesus he changed his mind about his future plans with Mary.  And in so doing he reminds us why change is so important to the Christian faith.

Change allows us to become partners with God
Joseph had to be convinced that Mary's pregnancy was a miracle; and once he was convinced he changed his mind about calling off the wedding, and in so doing he became a partner with God.

Have you ever considered your Christian service as being partners with God?

Change allows us to be part of God's plan
The angel suggested Joseph do two things: marry the young Mary, and name the baby Jesus.  Joseph's choice to partner with God and do as he was commanded allowed him to become part of God's plan.

Have you ever imagined that when we respond to God's calling in our life that we become part of God's divine plan.

And change allows us to be in new relationships
Had Joseph not changed his mind he would have missed arguably the two most important relationship in human history.  He would not have known Mary, the mother of Jesus.  He would not have married her, loved and cared for her, made a home and family with her, or anything else.  And Joseph would not have known Jesus - as a baby, as a boy, and as a young man.

Does God bring people together?  Have you ever considered the relationships you have as being part of a divine conspiracy?  The two greatest commandments are to love God, and to love our neighbor - God is in the business of making new relationships.  But if we are not willing to change, we might miss out on one of the most significant friendships we could ever have.

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